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District 105D Questionnaire Analysis

Please see below, a summary of the results of the District Questionnaire presented to members of the District at the special Open Forum at Alton on the 20th of October 2013.

The DG Team have reviewed the overall results and will be formulating and implementing short, medium and long term plans to address some of the issues raised. Shortly, once personal data has been cleansed from the database where members could possibly be recognised by club, name or position, the total response data will be available on the website for all to see.

Again thanks to all those who took part.

Mike Hendy
1st Vice District Governor, District 105D


Tom Sayers, District Webmaster & IT Chairman

Owen Sayers, database developer

Godwin Micallef, District Secretary

All of you who took the time to fill it in


Please see synopsis below or download the complete results PDF

Members, Clubs, Length of Service

388 members out of 1296 completed the survey - 29.94%

61 out of 63 clubs were represented in the survey - 96.8%

Length of service ranged from 0 years to 49 years - average length of service 15.5 years

Club Officers/Cabinet Officers

Club positions*:

President - 44

Secretary - 53

Treasurer - 29

Committee Chair - 59

Club Lions - 213

*Some responders filled positions held in the past

Current cabinet officers - 43

Non cabinet officers - 341

Event Attendance

District Convention - 166

District Handover - 70

District Service - 84

Cabinet meetings (as observer) - 44

Zone meetings - 261

MD Convention - 53

Europa Forum - 15

International Convention - 22

Your views of events attended

Total comments - 223

Not exactly motivating!

Europa forum is a very expensive talk shop which does not actually achieve a great deal

Very poor, Zone meetings have lost their way

District Convention needs to be re-formatted, bit too stuffy and old fashioned, especially business days

Cabinet meetings are as dry as eating sawdust

Basically all talk and little meaningful action, cut out the ceremony and business should be conducted in an afternoon. Cabinet seems estranged from club Lions

Having attended cabinet on a regular basis as Zone Chair, I found that the cabinet was made up of the old guard who desperately hang on to their jobs year after year

Not so much convention per se more the extremely old fashioned way we refer to members as DG, PDG, PID etc. Drop this nonsense and move into the 21st century

Nowhere near enough is made of the skills, opinions and knowledge of individual members; at one recent convention the floor mikes were not use. A workshop means participation - not just listening 

Cabinet size and DO visits

District Cabinet size

Just about right - 44

No opinion - 190

Too big - 137

Has a DO visited your club in the last:

Year - 321

3 years - 33

5 years - 7

Never - 1

Can't remember - 18

Which DOs visited (838 responses)?

DG - 300

IPDG - 29

1st VDG - 101

2nd VDG - 36

Region Chair - 130

Zone Chair - 215

Others - 27

DO visit comments

92 comments made

DO visits from Youth Programme Officers, MIAB, LCIF, Diabetes, Medic Alert, Speech and Hearing

Did these people?

Receive an invitation from the club - 79

Invite themselves - 196

Don't know - 97

Value of the visits?

Number of comments - 269

Awareness of programmes/opportunities, clarification of an issue regarding licencing

Given newer members a better insight into the wider Lions family

Having seen some presentations, they do not add any value to the information that has been sent in the mailing or is on the website

District Officers have attended zone meetings. Very poor knowledge of their subject and displayed very poor presentation skills. No value given or received

Depended on the charisma of the officer, generally no effect. One so bad the club refused further visits

Very little -  a pat on the back. Not always able to answer questions asked

Very useful, its good for us to have the fact we are part of a bigger organisation reinforced

To ask questions of the officer, and get his opinion on things that have been discussed in the club

Most of the information that is needed from DO's can be obtained by a phone call or from the web - do Officers need to visit the clubs in this electronic age?

Interesting to see the DG and wife in person - value the encouragement for the clubs work 

District projects

District projects, are there:

Too many - 104

Too few - 15

Just about right - 82

No opinion - 177

Participation in District Projects: 230 comments

Peace Poster, website, Scrapbook, Travelling Lion, Youth Award, Spectrek, Environment, International sight, Wateraid, MIAB

Comments on District Projects

Some of the projects like Spectrek are really good. I think we should concentrate on less projects but make the ones we do bigger, better and attract more publicity

Our club is struggling for numbers, unable to find officers to look after the various projects as there are far too many

District is light years away from what a club does or should do or even wants to do - the machinery for generating interest is not effective

Club supports all 105D projects needing financial assistance, only active support youth

Peace poster, poetry are useless - no media coverage at District level and schools inundated with other work

Lions competing with other Lions clubs on projects is inappropriate

District and MD projects really of little interest to me as a club member, as I prefer to concentrate on works and projects within our own local area

District Competitions

District Competitions - are there:

Too many - 121

Too few - 12

Just about right - 57

No opinion - 184

Should awards for District Competitions be presented at District Convention?

Yes - 191

No - 125

(note only 316 responses)

Comments on projects/competitions

178 comments received

Clubs like to see awards at District conventions, it is public recognition of what they have achieved

They are devalued due to the low number entering, should be a minimum number before event goes ahead

No particular interest, prefer to work locally

I think clubs should be left to concentrate on service rather than entering competitions

I would be keen to enter Peace Poster but don't want to spend club funds on an entrance fee, we found it obscene when a bill came through

Competitions should be reviewed every x years to assess if worthwhile continuing and either revamp or cease

Personally I think that all competitions are irrelevant and do nothing to motivate people in our club

Awards could be made by DGT or RC/ZC on club visits

Other than Young Ambassador which I do believe should be made at convention, all others should be made at handover

It is right there are a number of competitions so that clubs can ‘pick and mix'

While District Convention is the right forum for presentations, they do drag on for a long time

Don't allow DGs to keep starting competitions at the end of their year

District Convention

Is the content of DC:

Interesting & useful - 46

Boring and waste of time/money - 50

Varies from year to year - 120

No opinion - 159

Is the DC:

Too expensive - 139

Too cheap - 1

Just right - 74

No opinion - 163

Add/Subtract at Convention?


Out with the flags and loud music, in with hands on workshops

I wouldn't take away the pomp and ceremony

If you can wrap up admin and protocol in a nice comfortable package for those that love it and create a new folder of amazing projects achieved by real Lions

Take away the speakers that are invited every year and talk about the projects we all know about already

Too formal, too many speeches, you only have to look around especially in the afternoon and see people nodding off

Subtract the formalities and add something more useful

The ceremony of flags should be scrapped

Forget the opening ceremony, add more open debates including an open forum from the floor

Add more workshops, subtract competitions

Continue to improve the quality of the business session - make it more focussed with fewer unnecessary reports. Bring in speakers who can hold an audience

Add more workshops, subtract protocol especially at the beginning

Debate on membership led in a contentious fashion

Cut down presentations and childrens choirs and concentrate on speakers

Remove pomp and DG/PDG back slapping

Low key event for the Friday night for those that want it in an environment where people can chat without shouting

What would persuade you to attend convention?


I will only attend out of duty when I am President of my club

Need to be assured that individual members are welcome

It is unlikely I could be persuaded occurs to me that those individuals in our club who do have a wider involvement have made Lions their main social outlet

Less bureaucracy

Being able to afford to stay over, more information about cheaper hotels in the area

I would have to feel it was useful to the club and money well spent. I often feel that I am a junior member of a highly complex Civil Service department when my intention was to do good locally

A change to a swift purposeful AGM  which is what it should be. I doubt whether this questionnaire will make any difference as most problems in Lions arise from a structure which is designed to resist change

An understanding that we are going to need a complete rethink if we are going to turn this organisation around

A much smaller and more dynamic Cabinet looking forward not congratulating themselves on past glories. Get some fresh blood in and stop the ritual of shuffling the posts around the table

Make it cheaper, one day is enough, do we need themes etc and dances? It would appear these events are not popular any more

A simple change from the old fashioned ‘badge laden old boy network', to a simple informative style of new data and tools to do the job

And the way forward?

I would consider the data obtained from this questionnaire to be a truly representative sample from our membership as the response is far greater than I anticipated - or dreamed

This and future DG Teams and cabinets must tackle aspects highlighted relating to:


Thank you for your participation.

Download the complete results PDF