Brigid Hendy Website Award and Graham Drayton Social Media Award

If you would like to enter the 2020 competitions, please see the entry form on the District website competition entry page - you will need to log-in first.
The closing date for entry to the 2020 competitions is Monday 16th March 2020
The criteria and judging of the Brigid Hendy Award and the Graham Drayton Award will be as detailed below.
2019 winners
The winners of the Graham Drayton Award for Social Media went to Farnborough Lions Club and the Brigid Hendy Award for the best website went to Reading Lions Club.
2018 winners
The winners of the Graham Drayton Award for Social Media went to Meon Valley club and the Brigid Hendy Award for the best website went to Eastleigh.
2017 winners
The winners of the Graham Drayton Award for Social Media went to Fleet Lions Club and the Brigid Hendy Award for the best website went to Weymouth, Portland and District Lions Club
2016 winners
The winners of the Graham Drayton Award for Social Media went to Weymouth & Portland Lions Club and the Brigid Hendy Award for the best web site went to Basingstoke Lions Club.
2015 winners
The winners of the Graham Drayton Award for Social Media went to Windsor Lions Club and the Brigid Hendy Award for the best web site went to Reading club.
2014 winners
The winner of the Brigid Hendy Website Competition Trophy (PR) was Bracknell Lions.
The webmaster was Clare Dowling. Congratulations Clare!
The winner of the Graham Drayton Best Website Award (IT) was Fleet Lions.
The webmaster was Tom Sayers. Congratulations Tom!
Go to the results table to see why these websites were judged to be the winners.
2013 winners
The winner of the Brigid Hendy Website Competition Trophy (PR) was Reading Lions.
The webmaster was Jo Hamblin. Congratulations Jo!
The winner of the Graham Drayton Best Website Award (IT) was Lymington Lions.
The webmaster was Martin Ward. Congratulations Martin!
2012 winners
The winner of the Brigid Hendy Website Competition Trophy was Hook and Odiham Lions.
The webmaster was Kevin Oliver. Congratulations Kevin!
The winner of the Graham Drayton Best Website Award was Fleet Lions.
The webmaster was Tom Sayers. Congratulations Tom!
2011 winner
The winner of the 2011 Website Competition was Reading Lions.
The webmaster was Jo Hamblin. Congratulations Jo!
2010 winner
The winner of the 2010 Website Competition was Crofton Lions.
The webmaster was Reg Norton. Congratulations Reg!
Brigid Hendy Website Award
Eligibility and aims
The 105D Website Competition is open to all Lions, Leos and Lioness clubs (including branch clubs) within the District 105D. The aim of the competition is to:
- promote the use of websites by clubs
- raise the standard of club websites
- recognise our club webmasters
- promote the sharing of club information, project manuals and so forth
- promote communication via electronic means for environmental reasons
- encourage participation in all District competitions
The Rules
Clubs must enter their website. There will be no automatic entry.
The club website must be maintained by a member or members of the club entering the competition.
Entries must be received by the closing date, usually two weeks before the date of District Convention, to allow time for judging to take place.
The Judges' decision is final.
Points will be awarded for content, accuracy, ease of use, accessibility, innovation and design.
As the competition is about club websites the Judges will be looking primarily for content directly relating to the club, the community it serves and the activities carried out. A greater percentage of the points shall be allocated to this area of judging.
The Judges will use the following as a guide to awarding points to ensure that all entrants are treated fairly and that personal bias does not come into play.
PR Judges
The judges will concentrate on the content and ease of use of the website using the following as guidance:
- Is it obvious that this is a Lions website (use of latest official Logos etc)?
- Is the website information current?
- Is it easy to find information on various projects?
- How much information on Lions projects is there?
- Is there information on the local community?
- How easy is it to navigate the website?
- Is it obvious the site is part of an International Organisation?
- Does the site link back to District/MD/International websites?
- Does the site contain contact information or a way to contact the club?
- Is there an archive of previous events?
- Is the club history on the website?
- Are the club officers named?
- Is there any inappropriate content or links to inappropriate external websites?
- Is the site attractive to look at?
- Overall how effective is the website from a PR perspective? Is it informing the public about Lions?
- Overall how effective is the website from a membership perspective? Would this website encourage you to join?
IT Judges
The judges will concentrate on the design, usability, accuracy and accessibility of the website using the following as guidance:
- Is image quality acceptable?
- Are images too large and therefore taking a long time to load?
- Is there a site summary or site map?
- Is there a site search?
- Are there any broken links?
- Do external links open in a new window?
- Do internal links open in the same window?
- Is overall download speed acceptable?
- Is there any keyboard navigation on forms?
- Are all pages just three clicks from the home page?
- Is all text easily readable with acceptable contrast?
- Are font sizes changeable using the browser controls?
- Is the site listed on search engines?
- Does the site display consistently on the main browsers - Chrome, FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari?
- Is the layout consistent throughout the website?
- How original is the website design?
- Is security taken seriously e.g. HTTPS and Privacy Policies in place?
Template based websites are acceptable. Professionally designed websites are also acceptable provided that the content is managed by club members.
Graham Drayton Social Media Award
Eligibility and aims
The 105D Social Media Competition is open to all Lions, Leos and Lioness clubs (including branch clubs) within the District 105D. The aim of the competition is to:
- promote the use of effective social media by clubs
- promote effective communication of club activities
The Rules
Clubs must have prominent links on their website to their social media pages (includes Facebook and Twitter and others) and enter their website in the Brigid Hendy Competition using the link above. The judges will use the links found on the club website to view the club social media pages. There will be no automatic entry.
The club social media pages must be maintained by a member or members of the club entering the competition.
Entries must be received by the closing date, usually two weeks before the date of District Convention, to allow time for judging to take place.
The Judges' decision is final.
Points will be awarded for content, freshness.
As the competition is about club social media use, the Judges will be looking primarily for content directly relating to the club, the community it serves and the activities carried out. A greater percentage of the points shall be allocated to this area of judging.
The Judges will use the following as a guide to awarding points to ensure that all entrants are treated fairly and that personal bias does not come into play.
The judges will concentrate on the content and freshness of the page using the following as guidance:
- Is there an easy way to find the Social Media page i.e. via a link on the website?
- Up-to-date information
- Amount of information on Lions projects
- Depth of information on Lions projects
- Relative number of followers
- Relative number of likes
- Is it obvious that this is a Lions Social Media page (use of latest official Logos etc)?
- Is it obvious from the page that it is part of an international organisation?
- Does the page link back to the club website?
- Does the page contain contact information or a way to contact the club?
- Are forthcoming events listed?
- Does the About page have useful and relevant information?
- Is the profile photo of reasonable quality and relevant?
- Is there any inappropriate content or links to inappropriate external websites or pages?
- Responsiveness to messages
- Overall effectiveness from a Social Media perspective
- Overall effectiveness from a membership perspective
This criteria is subject to change.